How to Teach a Cat to Use a Scratching Post: A Step-by-Step Guide -

How to Teach a Cat to Use a Scratching Post: A Step-by-Step Guide

Cats have a natural instinct to scratch, which is essential for maintaining their claws and marking their territory. However, they don't always choose the most suitable places for this behavior, often leading to scratched furniture and carpets. To protect your belongings and provide a healthy outlet for your cat's scratching needs, it's essential to teach them how to use a scratching post. In this comprehensive guide, we'll walk you through the steps to help your feline friend embrace their scratching post with enthusiasm.

Step 1: Choosing the Right Scratching Post

The first step in teaching your cat to use a scratching post is selecting the right one. Consider the following factors:

Material: Scratching posts come in various materials, including cardboard, sisal, carpet, and wood. Cats have individual preferences, so observe your cat's scratching habits to determine their preference.

Size: Ensure the scratching post is tall enough for your cat to fully stretch when scratching. Cats love to reach up high to stretch their bodies.

Stability: A stable scratching post is essential to prevent it from tipping over when your cat uses it vigorously.

Step 2: Placement Matters

Where you put the scratching post is crucial. Place it in a location your cat frequents, such as near their favorite resting spot or by a window. Cats often scratch after waking up from a nap, so positioning it strategically can encourage them to use it.

Step 3: Introducing Your Cat to the Scratching Post

Now it's time to introduce your cat to the scratching post:

Use Catnip: Sprinkle some catnip on the scratching post to make it more enticing. Catnip can attract your cat's attention and encourage exploration.

Positive Association: Gently guide your cat to the scratching post and use a toy or treat to create a positive association. Reward them when they investigate or interact with the post.

Paw Placement: If your cat doesn't immediately start scratching, gently place their front paws on the post and mimic the scratching motion. This helps them understand the purpose.

Step 4: Consistency and Patience

Teaching your cat to use a scratching post may not happen overnight. Be patient and consistent in your efforts. Encourage your cat to use the post daily and reward them for doing so.

Step 5: Discourage Undesirable Scratching

While teaching your cat to use the scratching post, it's essential to discourage them from scratching furniture or other unwanted areas:

Use Deterrents: Apply double-sided tape or a pet-friendly anti-scratch spray to furniture and other scratched objects. Cats dislike the sticky sensation.

Trim Their Claws: Regularly trim your cat's claws to reduce the damage caused by scratching.

Provide Alternatives: If your cat is drawn to a specific piece of furniture, consider placing a smaller, less attractive scratching post nearby to divert their attention.

Step 6: Maintenance

Keep the scratching post well-maintained. Over time, your cat's claws can shred the material, making it less appealing. Replace worn-out posts or re-wrap them to keep them enticing.

Step 7: Multiple Scratching Posts

If you have a larger home, consider placing scratching posts in different areas to provide your cat with options. Cats may be more likely to use a scratching post if it's conveniently located.


Teaching your cat to use a scratching post is a rewarding endeavor that benefits both you and your feline companion. By choosing the right post, placing it strategically, and using positive reinforcement, you can redirect your cat's scratching instincts away from your furniture. Remember that patience and consistency are key to success, and soon enough, your cat will happily use their scratching post, keeping both them and your furniture happy.
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